What Does Chapter 7 Do?

Once the decision is made to file a bankruptcy case, a consumer debtor has to make a choice: is it better to file a chapter 7 or chapter 13 bankruptcy? There are advantages to each chapter. To make the best decision regarding what chapter to file, it’s good to know the benefits of chapter 7. […]
What Does Chapter 13 Do?

Chapter 13 can be a very useful tool for people with money worries to stabilize their finances. To make the best decision regarding what chapter to file, it’s good to know what chapter 13 does. Chapter 13 can address systemic budget problems. Some financial problems are temporary. But others aren’t. For the person who is under-employed, […]
Bankruptcy Chapter Choices

You have a choice in what chapter bankruptcy to file When a person decides that they need to file a bankruptcy case to solve their financial difficulties, that person faces another choice: what bankruptcy chapter should be used? Most people with consumer debt elect to file either a chapter 7 or chapter 13 bankruptcy case. […]